National carrier Air India has shut its booking window until 30 April for all domestic and international routes and is awaiting a decision after 14 April, when the nationwide lockdown is scheduled to end.
Another Indian carrier may further extend its flight cancellations as the Airindia is already canceled and stops selling flight tickets till April 30th, 2020.
A senior Air India official said: “If we accept bookings for flights and there are very poor passenger loads for some flights (of April), then it may not be commercially viable to operate those flights. In that case, we will be liable to refund money to passengers of canceled flights. We are awaiting a decision on lockdown before resuming sales of tickets for flights in April,” said an AI official.
Spokespersons for SpiceJet and GoAir said bookings are open for travel on domestic flights from April 15 and for international flights from May 1.
Here is the screenshot of the official website of Air India the airline is not showing any flight availability on Domestic sectors till 30th Apr. 2020